Monday 7 April 2014

SmarterCalls’ Project Rooms make Conference Calls More Visual and Productive

Many a times, during my umpteen conference calls, I find myself itching to demonstrate an idea or tactic. If only my team member could be physically present in front of me, I would have easily illustrated my point in a minute rather than having to waste many a frustrating hour in trying to get my idea across to him over the air waves. 

I even wish I could easily jot down notes and make to-do lists during the conference call itself, in such a way that the other participants can view it simultaneously and even make changes or track progress as and when needed. But this is not possible with my free conference calling service and I have to content myself with emailing huge files to and fro over the internet. 

But now that I have moved to SmarterCalls, I enjoy being able to make my conference calls more expressive and productive by using its unique online meeting space. This is because SmarterCalls provides secure project rooms that impart the much needed visual element to conference calls as all callers can easily share files, sketch out ideas and track actions on this online platform! 

Now my team members and I enjoy illustrating and developing concepts together as anyone can edit them at any time. And there is no need to circulate separate action logs and other details either.