Monday 12 May 2014

What sets SmarterCalls Apart from the rest of the Crowd?

Technology is slowly but surely making the world a much smaller place. While at one time we had to plan and book an international call much in advance, now international conference call providers have made it possible to conduct meetings and have discussions with any number of people from anywhere and at any time. It’s no longer necessary for people to meet under the same roof - it’s all happening over the telephone and internet waves out there.

And while most international conference call providers offer more or less the same kind of service, I always prefer using SmarterCalls for conducting all my conference calls. Indeed, SmarterCalls’ free conference calling service has made it infinitely easy for my geographically dispersed teams to communicate and share information from anywhere across the globe.

Not only do I get to enjoy the SmarterCalls service for free as each caller in my conference call has to pay only for his own local call, but there is no longer any need to email huge files or worry about how to illustrate my ideas during a conference call either. All thanks to the additional features like free online project space, real time whiteboards and secure project rooms provided by SmarterCalls.

Furthermore, I get the satisfaction that I am making a difference as SmarterCalls uses part of the revenue earned from me to support needy charities around the world!

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